The Entrepreneur's Compass

Discover the Roadmap Every Visionary Entrepreneur Needs

Navigating the entrepreneurial journey can feel like wandering through a forest without a map.

The overwhelming feeling of not knowing what to do next. Feeling bogged down by the daunting enormity of tasks, the paralyzing lack of direction, and the suffocating absence of a strategic roadmap. The constant guessing game of researching one-size-fits-all strategies online, only to end up right back where you started.

It's a lonely place, and no visionary like you should be there.

But what if there was a clearer way?

What if you had a compass to guide you?

Imagine a life where business uncertainties aren't holding you back.

Picture yourself confidently navigating the entrepreneurial journey with unwavering confidence, intimately knowing the souls you're selling to and the solutions they crave most.

Having solutions uniquely tailored to YOUR business, YOUR values, and YOUR customers. 

This isn't some far-off dream… with the Entrepreneur’s Compass Framework, it's your imminent reality.

A strategic tool that turns your entrepreneurial dreams into confident action.

"I think it's f**king brilliant. That last paragraph is gold. You nailed it all. This is f**king, unbelievable. This is thousands of dollars of work. You could literally be charging $10,000 a day." - J. N

Hi, I'm Joshua Hale

If you're seeking a catalyst to pivot your business towards unparalleled success, you're precisely where you need to be.

I understand the overwhelming feeling of not knowing where to go next on the entrepreneurial path. It's like wandering around without a map, wasting time and going nowhere. Trust me, I've been there before too. 


Your entrepreneurial journey deserves more than generic strategies— it demands a customized compass. 

We will dive deep into:

Uncovering Your Unique Abilities

We identify your innate talents and skills to determine the exclusive value you can offer.

Aligning With Your Motivations

By getting clear on what drives you, we align your business to your core motivations.

Validating Your Business Ideas

We stress test your ideas through validated learning to refine viable, resonant concepts.

Defining Your Target Audience

Clarifying who you serve is essential to focusing your offering. We help you define your ideal customer.

Crafting Tailored Solutions

We guide you through niching down and shaping solutions that address specific problems in a novel way.

Mapping the Customer Journey

We outline your customer's dream outcome, obstacles, and ideal path to purchase.

Designing Your Offerings

We determine the optimal packaging and formats to deliver your solutions and maximize their value.

Developing Your Marketing Strategy

We craft targeted campaigns, lead magnets, and sales funnels to bring your solutions to market.

Content Strategy

Leveraging the power of content, we build awareness, nurture your audience, and drive conversions across the funnel.

AI-Enhanced Strategic Roadmaps

Harness the power of AI for intuitive, tailored insights and optimized strategies

Your Own Transformation Journey

This isn't just about checking boxes; it's about metamorphosis— from overwhelm to clarity, from ambiguity to direction— supporting you to become the entrepreneur you want to be

Who is this for?

Best Fit

✅Digital Product Creators
(eBooks, online courses, digital products, software)

✅Online Coaches and Consultants
(health and wellness coach, consultant)

✅E-commerce Startups
(ETSY Shop, shopify)

✅Content Creators/Bloggers
(travel blogger, DIY craft blogger, local organic farm)

✅New Entrepreneurs
(new businesses, side hustles)

Not A Good Fit

❌Large Corporations

❌Traditional Brick and Mortar Retailers With No Online Presence

❌Businesses Requiring Physical Expansion

In our 2-Hour Strategy Meeting, I’ll walk you through the Entrepreneur's Compass Framework step-by-step using ChatGPT.

You'll come away with clarity on your business strategy and a detailed action plan for next steps.

The Compass Framework can be supplemented with ongoing, work parties and accountability coaching sessions, ensuring that you stay the course and reach your destination.

Your Investment

The Entrepreneur's Compass: Your True North

The Entrepreneur's Compass: Your True North


($750 Value)

Let's Do This
Let's Chart Your Course: Embark on a journey that aligns you with your purpose, values, and brand identity.

1hour AI Enhanced Session

Manifesto Creation: Define your brand's core with a powerful, personalized life manifesto.

Vision Casting: Showcase your brand's authenticity, mirroring your unique personal aspirations.

From 'What' to 'Who': Transition from a service to a story; become an adored brand.

Niche Mastery: Align your abilities with market demands for impactful, fulfilling success.

Momentum Blueprint: Keep the pace with a clear, actionable roadmap.

Entrepreneur's Compass: Trailblazer's Expedition
Most Popular

Entrepreneur's Compass: Trailblazer's Expedition


($2,643 Value!)

Let's Do This
Navigate the competitive landscape with AI insights, tools, and strategies tailor-made for ambitious trailblazers.

2hour AI Enhanced Session

Target Audience Identification

Audience Hopes & Dreams Analysis

Competitor Mapping

Customer's Dream Outcome

AI-Driven Insights

List Potential Obstacles/Problems

Turn Problems Into Solutions

Delivery Methods

Best Ways to Deliver Solutions

Core Offer & Bonus Materials

BONUS ChatGPT Made Easy: 400+ Expert Prompts ($49 Value)

BONUS COURSE How To Use ChatGPT: Fast-Track Guide For New Users ($97 Value)

Entrepreneur's Compass: Path to Prosperity

Entrepreneur's Compass: Path to Prosperity


($5,643 Value!)

Let's Do This
Maximize your business potential with comprehensive support for leadership, team building, and innovation.

Everything in Your True North & Trailblazing Expedition, plus:

2 - 2hour AI Enhanced Sessions

12 Month Marketing Plan

Navigate Naming Offers

List of Bonus Materials To Build

Chart Your Content Strategy

Fast & Easy Way To Pump Out Checklists, Guides and Lead Magnets

Custom Built AI Business GPT For Your Business

Library Of Walkthrough Video's

Business & Marketing Prompt Power Pack

Email Marketing Software Setup Walkthrough

Personal Recommendation of Tech Stack

AI Vault Of Goodies Including: Operations Dashboard and More!

BONUS COURSE 7 Day Challenge: Leveraging AI Tools to Build Your Online Business ($497 Value!)

Entrepreneur's Compass: Trail Guide Alliance

(1 hour workparty each week)

(1 hour workparty each week)



With over a decade of experience building successful online businesses, I will be your trusted advisor for a month-to-month path to prosperity.

One-on-one strategic sessions for 1 hour every week.

Personalized guidance to construct and optimize your marketing funnels.

Custom insights on leveraging ChatGPT, AI tools and strategies for growth.

Access to Holistic Tech Wizard Hub, a small and highly trusted community providing invaluable feedback on marketing funnels and digital assets.

 *Must already purchase Path to Prosperity

*Must already purchase Path to Prosperity

This is for entrepreneurs who want an all-access pass to my proven framework, network and expertise. I will push you to think bigger, execute strategies smarter and break through barriers holding your business back. If you're ready to realize your full potential and become an industry pioneer, the Entrepreneur's Compass will lead the way. This is not a program for dabblers - it's for serious entrepreneurs committed to massive success.

Expertise drawn from +12 years of marketing excellence and agency leadership.

Dedicated assistance in mapping and navigating the vast realms of online marketing.

Weekly workparty to construct your funnels: spend our time together setting up your website, marketing's funnels or outbound messaging.

"I'd say it's easy to do. If you know what business you want,
this service is simple and worth the cost."
-Brian | The Lots Project Podcast

Still feeling unsure?

If you're like most entrepreneurs, you're probably thinking: "This sounds great, but maybe I can just do this on my own,” or, “It's just more than I want to spend right now." 

I hear you, but let me ask— how much is the success of your business worth to you? Don't let these objections keep you from a thriving business and serving your people.

With this framework, you'll finally be able to tackle that never-ending to-do list, connect with your customers in a really meaningful way, and feel that awesome sense of fulfillment that comes from sharing your unique talents.

Don't waste another day feeling lost without a map.

The path to success is closer than you realize.

Ready to Transform Your Business?

Chart Your Course with the Entrepreneur's Compass Today.

Need more info? Grab 15 mins with Joshua to discuss what path is right for you.

Got A Quick Question?

Fill out the form below to get in touch with me.

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